New Orleans

Main Rivals Of:

Main Rivals:
  • Atlanta Falcons 70.3
  • Carolina Panthers 10.7

Rivalry Points

Main Rivals Of:

  • Atlanta Falcons
  • Carolina Panthers
  • Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Rival Points
Average Rivalry Points assigned to a rival team. 0-100

Reverse Rival Points
Average Rivalry Points assigned to the favorite team by the rival team’s fans. 0-100


How much prejudice do fans hold against fans of the rival team?  1 [lowest] – 7 [highest]

We measured prejudice using 4 questions that included: “A(n) [Rival] fan’s character is more questionable than a typical fan’s character.”


How much do fans discriminate in their relationships with fans of the rival team? 1 [lowest] – 7 [highest]

We measured relationship discrimination using 6 questions adapted from Pettigrew and Meertens (1995) that included: “I would be less likely to marry a [rival] fan than a typical fan.” and “As a boss, I would be less likely to hire a [rival] fan than a typical fan.”


How much joy do fans take in the misfortune of the rival team? 1 [lowest] – 7 [highest]


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